The Best Pasta Al' Arrabiata

This is without a doubt, my favorite type of sauce, and it’s been ever since I tested the Carluccio’s Pasta Al’ Arrabiata, in Dubai. I never was quite able to identify the ingredients in there recipe, beside the tomatoes, garlic, chili and peppers. Last night, I decided to make my own version and ironically, it turned out to taste very similar.
The sauce I came up with will suit any type of pasta, and is the perfect amount of sweet and spicy. They’re absolutely delicious and very easy to make, plus, they become even more nutritious using the right type of pasta! Use whole grain for higher protein and fibers. Of course, this recipe is 100% made of plants.

The Plant Kitchen by Joanna Colomas
The Plant Kitchen by Joanna Colomas

6-7 servings

Prep. 15 min - Cook. 15 min | Total. 30 min


1 Red Onion
2 Cloves Garlic
2 Tomatoes
2 Red Pepper, roasted¹
½ Red Chili Pepper
1 Cup Basil

Spices & Condiments
1½ tsp Herbs de Provence, dried
1½ tsp Oregano, dried
½ tsp White Pepper
1 tsp Salt
½ tsp Garlic Powder

1 tbsp Olive Oil
½ cup Pine Nuts, raw
1 cup Oat Cream
1 tbsp Maple Syrup
1 tsp Mustard
500g Pasta, your favorite type

¹Preheat the oven to 230°C on grill mode. Wash the peppers, cut in half and remove the stems, seeds and membranes. Lay a foil-lined baking sheet in a baking tray (not a rack), and place the peppers cut side down, and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes (until the skins are dark but not completely burned, and have collapsed). Place the peppers in a glass container while still hot, close the container and wait for the peppers to cool down, this step can be skipped, but it’ll make it easier to remove the skin. When the peppers have chilled, remove the skin, and use or store.

Cut the red onion into wedges, peel and finely diced garlic.
Wash and roughly cut the tomatoes into cubes, as well as the roasted red pepper¹. Keep aside for later use.
Heat a large pan to medium heat and add olive oil.
When the oil starts sizzling, add the garlic and onions and cook on low medium heat for 2-3 minutes, or until translucent.
Add the pine nuts, and cook for another 2 minutes, or until lightly golden.
Starting to partly add the herbs: add 1tsp of provencal herbs, 1tsp of oregano, the salt, the white pepper, combine and cook for another minute.
Add the tomatoes and the peppers, mix and cook for 2 minutes.
Add the rest of the herbs: ½ tsp of provencal herbs, ½ tsp of oregano, and the garlic powder. Mix and cook for one more minute over medium heat.
Reduce the heat to medium low heat, add the oat cream, mix and cook for two minutes.
In the meantime, cook your favorite pasta following the instructions on the package.
Add the maple syrup and the mustard, mix until the mustard has completely dissolved, then for another minute.
Remove from the stove and let it cool for 5 minutes before transferring form the pan to the blender.
Add the basil and the chili into the blender, and combine using the blender until obtaining a smooth and soft consistency.
By then, the pasta should be cooked or about to be. Drain and transfer to a big bowl.
Add the sauce to the pasta bowl, mix until combined.
Bon appétit!

Keep the leftovers (if any) in a glass container, in a fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze the sauce for later use - you can also freeze the pasta.

PastaJoanna Colomas