Misconceptions About Tanning & How To Tan Safely
Thanks to awareness campaigns about sun exposure and its effects on our body, by now, most of us know that exposing ourselves to direct sunlight, is a potential danger to our skin, and even our overall health. In the 80s, people started seeing more and more ads about sunscreen, and campaigns about skin cancers directly linked to sun exposure, and started to become more aware of it. Campaigns have now decreased drastically in the past decade and in most parts of the world, and even though we’re very well aware about the dangers that tanning (voluntarily or not) involves, a lot has changed since the campaigns ceased; researchers have learnt a lot more about how to prevent and heal sunburn, and made a lot of progress. Therefore, a lot of what were facts during the campaigning, became myths since.
Skin is the human’s largest organ, and is absolutely crucial to protect all of the other ones too. Skin health is as important as the health of the rest of your body. Moles, spots and early aging of the skin aren’t the end of the world, but why not prevent them if we can? Especially knowing that most skin cancers and diseases start from one of the above.
For you, we’ve gathered all the misconceptions about sun exposure and some clear information to enlighten you, as well as tips to tan as safely as possible.